They finally wanted to know whether honey really protects against so many ailments. And whether it is true that you sleep better or have more energy when eating honey. For this reason, the Austrian Beekeeping Association commissioned some scientists to carry out a detailed study. The study with EU funding selected 50 healthy participants between […]
Archives for 2020
Protect Yourself Against Free Radicals
Everyone is talking about them! About the free radicals. But who knows exactly what they are? They are not a terrorist group that is
spreading death around them. Nevertheless, they act as killers in our body. On the one hand they help us to fight diseases, on the other hand they are causing them. But we are not at the mercy of them helplessly. Find out in this article how you can protect yourself against them.
How Confidence Can Control Your Stress
Have you noticed that some people are just thriving under stress while
others passing through the same circumstances are at the brink of a
collapse? Have you seen some people that are successful in everything
they do, while others seem to go nowhere, while having the same
opportunities? What makes the difference? It is Confidence! Find out
in this article how confidence can control your stress levels.
Carob – Little Gems for Good Nutrition
Sweet things are part of our life, but chocolate has a bad reputation. Therefore, diet-conscious people resort to carob. But carob can do much more than just replace cocoa powder. Studies have shown that this natural substance can be used in the prevention and treatment of elevated blood fats and the metabolic syndrome. I don’t […]
Protein – Too Little or Too Much?
Proteins play an important role in many physiologic processes of the body. They occur in the genetic material, the hormones, the enzymes, in the hemoglobin as well as in the bones, the hair, the nails in every cell of our body. They are responsible for many allergies, but at the same time essential for the […]
Hydrotherapy – A Versatile Treatment
Have you ever heard about a hot foot bath, a steam inhalation, or a hot compress? Yes, we are talking about a number of different hydrotherapy treatments. But how can the simple application of hot and cold water cure pneumonia, relieve the swelling of arthritis, alleviate menstrual cramps, speed up recovery from a sprained ankle, decrease dangerously high blood pressure, and give relief from a headache? Read this article to find out.
Stress-Induced Insomnia – A Vicious Cycle
Lack of sleep caused by stress is a combination that can literally kill you. Relaxation and sleep are two things that can truly make a difference in how your body and mind react to stress. Find out in this article how to escape the vicious cycle of stress and insomnia:
The Pleasure Trap
I know it’s not healthy, but… Have you ever enjoyed an extra cheese pizza, an iced soft drink, or some temptation in the form of a dessert, like a chocolate cream cake, with filling, icing and chocolate chips everywhere, even though you know they are not healthy? Of course, yes! I think all of us. […]
Water – The Cheapest Medicine
Imagine a medicine that is able to cure a host of different diseases, is more effective than most of the pills available, has no side effects and is readily available around the world. What is it? Find it out in this article.
Are Fruits and Vegetables not as Nutritious as they Were 50 Years Ago?
Autumn has filled our pantries again. The potatoes are stored. The apples are lined up in the hurdles. Cabbage heads wandered into the sauerkraut barrel. Celery, carrots and beets are waiting to be eaten. Everything provides us with vitamins and minerals in winter. Or are they maybe deficient today? In the back of our minds […]
Understanding Your Stress Hormones
Did you ever face a doberman and you were not sure whether he is going to eat you? You felt your heart pounding? Or were you ever trapped in a traffic jam on the way to the airport, and no way to get there in time? I guess you felt the effects of stress hormones in your life. What are these hormones, and what are they doing in your life? Find this out in this article.
Health and Beauty from Nutritional Yeast
Corn in the morning, corn at noon, corn in the evening. Corn as bread, groats, porridge and soup. The corn eaters in Louisiana state are getting sick. Around 1920, the Washington Department of Health sends Dr. Joseph Goldberger, a bacteriologist, to the Mississippi. But it is not bacteria or viruses that have contaminated corn and […]