The prevalence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in young women is surprisingly high. They are affected regardless of socioeconomic status, race or cultural background. Find out how chasteberry can help in alleviating symptoms of PMS.
St. John’s Wort – Nature’s Prozac?
Every year, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health, about 11 million Americans suffer mild cases of depression and another 10 million suffer mild to severe depression. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has received increasing attention as a safe product that provides some natural relief from depression. Find out what this herb can do for you.
Save that Avocado Seed for Your Next Cup of Tea
Growing up on the island of Jamaica, Avocados, while in season, were a staple at almost every meal. Find out what benefits you can get not only from the fruit, but also from the avocado seed.
5 Teas That Reduce Stress and Support Sleep
Stress is called the silent killer for a reason. From panic attacks to trouble sleeping, a dose of stress can do a number of things with your health. If stress is affecting your quality of sleep, then those five teas may be helpful to come to your rescue.
Bitter Herbs for Our Health
Because many people do not like anything bitter, agricultural science has bred out many a bitter substance from wild plants. However, sweet and mild foods encourage us to eat more than we should, beyond a healthy appetite. Why do so many plants produce bitter substances? Can we humans take advantage of them? Many a herb […]
Echinacea – An Old Medicinal Plant
They are here again, the cold, wet days when we long for the hot
summer days. And with them come colds, coughs and sore throats, the uninvited companions of the cold season. But we are not at their mercy for better or worse, we can strengthen our immune system. And if we do catch a cold, echinacea can help us cope with it more easily. Find out how this plant can help your immunity.